Aeropress Brewing


What you will need:

Grind size:
Medium grind - similar to white sugar

Coffee dose/ Brew ratio:
Approximately 75 grams per litre water or 17 grams per 225 ml water

Water temperature:
Let water rest 30 seconds off the boil

Brew time:
2 minutes


Traditional method

Step one:
Push the plunger out of chamber. Put a filter in the cap, pour a little warm water on the filter to dampen it and twist the cap onto chamber.

Step two:
Stand chamber on a sturdy mug and put one scoop (17g) of filter grind coffee in chamber.

Step three:
Add about 100ml water, about 30 seconds off the boil, to the number 2 mark on the chamber. Use the paddle to stir the coffee for a few seconds, make sure all grounds a re wet and leave a few seconds to bloom.

Step four:
Add another 100ml water up to the number 4 mark and stir again. Insert plunger and gently push down for about 20 to 40 seconds until all the coffee is pushed through but stop when the air starts coming out.

Inverted method

Step one:
Push the plunger into the chamber up to the number 4 mark and let stand upside down with the plunger at the bottom.

Step Two:
Place a paper filter inside the filter cap, pour a little bit of warm water through to dampen the filter and set aside.

Step three:
Put one scoop (17g) of coffee in chamber. Add water just off the boil (80 °C) to the number 2 mark on the chamber. Use the paddle to stir the coffee for a few seconds, make sure all grounds a re wet and leave a few seconds to bloom.

Step four:
Place the cap with dampen filter onto chamber and twist into place. Put a warmed mug over the cap, making sure it is sealed and sturdy, turn the Aeropress carefully and quickly upside down so that it stand on top of the mug. Gently push down for about 20 to 40 seconds until all the coffee is pushed through but stop when the air starts coming out.

Step five:
Top mug up with water according to taste and enjoy.